ROS Rollentechnik The right conveyor technology for the print and…
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Con­vey­or technology for the print and paper industry 

The print indus­try occu­pies a posi­tion of great impor­tance in any mod­ern indus­tri­al soci­ety. Even in the age of the Inter­net, smart­phone, SMS and email com­mu­ni­ca­tion, dai­ly news­pa­pers still account for a major share of trans­mit­ting news of all kinds. The pro­duc­tion of books, all our works of lit­er­a­ture with all the sub­jects they cov­er, would be incon­ceiv­able with­out the print indus­try. Whole stacks of paper are moved on con­vey­or facil­i­ties in a lin­ear direc­tion as well as along curved sec­tions as required. Some­times, these stacks also have to be turned over while being moved. If con­vey­ing along curved sec­tions is required, con­i­cal rollers are used. With their help, curves with vari­able curve radii can also be nego­ti­at­ed with­in cer­tain limits.

Print­ing com­pa­ny con­vey­or belt with spe­cial challenges

A mid-sized com­pa­ny man­u­fac­tures pile turn­ers for the print indus­try and requires suit­able rollers for a feed device. These should be low-main­te­nance and of a sta­ble design. The spe­cial chal­lenges here were due to a non-stop process dur­ing heavy load appli­ca­tion, which made the use of pre­ci­sion bear­ings nec­es­sary. An addi­tion­al issue was hav­ing to deal with dust occur­ring dur­ing oper­a­tions. This con­tract required a com­plete replace­ment of the con­vey­or sys­tem with the feed­er to be refit­ted to our rollers. Suit­able rollers here are the spe­cial series 45 rollers, a weld­ed ver­sion with dou­ble gear dri­ve Z=12. The tube dimen­sions for this ver­sion are 63.52.9 mm, with axle design secured and SW. The bear­ing is sealed on both sides as a 2RS ver­sion. The roller bot­toms were pro­duced as a recessed ver­sion and thus cor­re­spond to series 25. This project was car­ried out using prod­ucts from our stan­dard range with addi­tion­al vari­a­tions. Fol­low­ing coor­di­na­tion and expla­na­tion by the tech­ni­cal depart­ment, work on the project was start­ed. The time required for the entire con­ver­sion of the con­vey­or sys­tem was approx. six weeks.

Rollers for print­ing com­pa­ny con­vey­or belt

Series 45 rollers with dual gear dri­ves are suit­able for con­vey­ing medi­um to heavy loads. The load capac­i­ty of this series is a max­i­mum 100 kg per roller.

In addi­tion to the SW (stands for span­ner width) axle design used in this project, oth­er axle ver­sions are available

  • IGM (with inter­nal thread),
  • M (exter­nal thread with hex nut),
  • AGM (exter­nal thread),
  • GL (straight ver­sion with­out thread),
  • FA (spring version).

Each axle ver­sion has its own fea­tures and advan­tages. Which of these is ulti­mate­ly the most suit­able and select­ed depends on the par­tic­u­lar appli­ca­tion involved.

We do not car­ry out any main­te­nance work on our rollers and do not offer our cus­tomers any ser­vice con­tracts either. We clas­si­fy rollers as parts sub­ject to wear and tear. In return, we offer our cus­tomers pre­ven­ta­tive ware­hous­ing of rollers to ensure their sup­plies. This assures the cus­tomer that there will be no long-term pro­duc­tion down­times due to dis­rup­tions, which would be caused by defec­tive rollers.


Many of our cus­tomers have been impressed by the qual­i­ty of our rollers, as they always result in an increase in effi­cien­cy and per­for­mance in the pro­duc­tion process. In some cas­es, when exe­cut­ing a cus­tomer order, it is not nec­es­sary to replace an exist­ing con­vey­or sys­tem com­plete­ly. Some­times, installing our rollers in the exist­ing con­vey­or sys­tem is suf­fi­cient. This kind of solu­tion is of course espe­cial­ly cus­tomer-friend­ly, as the cost involved is reduced con­sid­er­ably. It is also in our inter­est, of course, to cater to our customer’s requests as far as pos­si­ble. As such, being as flex­i­ble as pos­si­ble in regard to the entire con­vey­or sys­tem plays an essen­tial role. The con­vey­or sys­tem often has to be usable for all kinds of dif­fer­ent prod­ucts, a con­cern that is becom­ing increas­ing­ly important.

At ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik, we pro­vide our cus­tomers with per­for­mance to the fullest extent. This includes quot­ing, project man­age­ment, pro­cure­ment, and pre­ven­ta­tive ware­hous­ing of quan­ti­ties request­ed by cus­tomers. These quan­ti­ties ensure prompt deliv­er­ies of replace­ment rollers and thus pre­vent pos­si­ble pro­duc­tion loss­es due to con­vey­or sys­tem down­times. Our cus­tomer-friend­ly ser­vice also includes deliv­ery arrange­ments with for­ward­ing agents and spe­cial pack­ag­ing to avoid trans­port dam­age. Our com­pre­hen­sive deliv­ery ser­vice con­tributes sig­nif­i­cant­ly to our suc­cess­ful busi­ness relationships.