ROS Rollentechnik Conveyor solutions for the food and drink industry
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Con­vey­or technology Food and drink industry 

The prod­ucts of the food and bev­er­age indus­try are of vital impor­tance for peo­ple, as eat­ing and drink­ing are one of the basic needs that every human being has. This applies regard­less of the age of the entire world’s pop­u­la­tion in any place on earth.

The pro­duc­tion and pro­cess­ing of food and bev­er­ages often require state-of-the-art machin­ery and sys­tems. In addi­tion, logis­ti­cal con­vey­or routes with­in these pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties have to be man­aged in both a lin­ear direc­tion as well as along curved sections.

Con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy in the food industry

The bev­er­age indus­try requires machin­ery and sys­tems for the pro­duc­tion of its prod­ucts, which fill and move bot­tles or even casks, for exam­ple, at very high speed. The man­u­fac­tur­ers or these machines and sys­tems are often estab­lished mid-sized com­pa­nies. These machines are almost always equipped to feed and dis­charge, con­nect­ed upstream or down­stream, which are equipped with rollers among oth­er equipment.

With feed and dis­charge devices for the bev­er­age indus­try, it is impor­tant that the rollers secure the bev­er­age con­tain­ers, which are often casks or bar­rels, lat­er­al­ly in the con­veyed direc­tion. As the weight of these casks when filled increas­es con­sid­er­ably, the rollers must also be very sta­ble. In addi­tion, it is impor­tant that the rollers are low-wear and will thus oper­ate flaw­less­ly over longer peri­ods. With heavy con­vey­or items such as filled bar­rels, it is impor­tant to posi­tion and move them safe­ly, in the right posi­tion and direc­tion. Some of these con­vey­or move­ments may also involve curved sec­tions. In such cas­es, the use of tapered rollers is required. This also means dif­fer­ent sized curve radii can be man­aged. The chal­lenge is also that the shapes and sizes of casks often vary, so that even great­ly fluc­tu­at­ing weights have to be han­dled safe­ly. The filled items must be con­veyed safe­ly and pre­cise­ly and must not tip over under any circumstances.

Con­vey­or tech­nol­o­gy and food

In brew­eries, part of the every­day rou­tine is that all kinds of beer bar­rels in var­i­ous sizes both emp­ty as well as full have to be moved and trans­port­ed over long dis­tances. For this it is some­times nec­es­sary for the rollers to be replaced on an exist­ing con­vey­or sys­tem, in order to ensure day-to-day oper­a­tions run safe­ly and reliably.

For heavy goods, such as emp­ty or even filled beer bar­rels, rollers with recessed roller bot­toms are suit­able. To secure them lat­er­al­ly, which is nec­es­sary for safe lin­ear move­ment, the rollers are fit­ted with guide disks, so the beer bar­rels with pal­lets can­not slide side­ways. We do not regard these replace­ment rollers as a pur­pose-built design. We can meet these chal­lenges with prod­ucts in our exten­sive stan­dard range.

Food indus­try con­vey­or belts

When­ev­er rollers on feed and dis­charge devices for the bev­er­age indus­try have to be replaced, such as in brew­eries, this can be done very prompt­ly with­out any major pro­duc­tion down­time. Only the basic spec­i­fi­ca­tions and request­ed details have to be clar­i­fied with the tech­ni­cal depart­ment. After this, the order can be car­ried out immediately.

ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik does not con­clude any ser­vice con­tracts with its cus­tomers for the main­te­nance of rollers, as we regard these prod­ucts as sub­ject to wear and tear. In return, we offer con­tracts that ensure deliv­er­ies at short notice of any request­ed replace­ment of rollers in any quantity.


The main ben­e­fit for our cus­tomers is that if dis­rup­tions occur in oper­a­tions of feed and dis­charge devices, they do not have to be com­plete­ly dis­man­tled or replaced but the prob­lem can be solved by replac­ing indi­vid­ual parts. It is often enough to replace defec­tive rollers with a new one, which reduces down­times and the asso­ci­at­ed pro­duc­tion loss­es to an accept­able min­i­mum. In addi­tion, it is par­tic­u­lar­ly advan­ta­geous for our cus­tomers that we have a wide and exten­sive range of stan­dard rollers. It means we can also respond prop­er­ly and at short notice to unusu­al cus­tomer requests, asso­ci­at­ed with var­i­ous size dif­fer­ences for goods to be con­veyed. This par­tic­u­lar flex­i­bil­i­ty of adapt­ing to var­i­ous prod­ucts of our cus­tomers is becom­ing increas­ing­ly important.

We pro­vide our cus­tomers with ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik per­for­mance to the fullest extent. Start­ing with quo­ta­tions, project man­age­ment, pro­cure­ment, con­tract draft­ing with sched­uled quan­ti­ties and deliv­ery dates, the con­cerns and requests of our cus­tomers are the focus of our atten­tion. This also includes deliv­ery sched­ules, for­ward­ing agents, and spe­cial pack­ag­ing to avoid trans­port dam­age. Our full com­mit­ment in all these areas enables and ensures an order­ly and reg­u­lar pro­duc­tion process for our customers.

Our cus­tomers are hap­py to choose ROS Rol­len­Tech­nik as a sup­pli­er, as we nor­mal­ly pro­vide a suit­able car­ri­er roller for test­ing, espe­cial­ly if it involves a poten­tial new cus­tomer. As soon as this new cus­tomer is aware of the increase in effi­cien­cy and per­for­mance due to our prod­uct, which is nor­mal­ly the case, noth­ing stands in the way of a suc­cess­ful busi­ness rela­tion­ship based on mutu­al trust.